Environmental Conservation/Climate adaptation for farmers

2...Pine for investment and enviro protectionCommunity Hope Development Foundation (CHDF) contributes towards conserving the environment through supplying tree seedlings for planting to community members and institutions. We sensitize rural farmers to adopt climate change issues in their daily agricultural practices. This is also aimed at contributing towards combating/ reducing Global warming.  After realizing that community members own small pieces of land at their household levels which makes it difficult for them to plant trees on large scale, CHDF embarked on encouraging farmer to plant fruit trees alongside other crops to serve several purposes such as provide fruits for food and income, conserving the environment and may at some time act as energy source through provide firewood for cooking at pruning time.

In this program, we also consider farmers adoption to other environmentally friendly farming practices such as soil and water conservation mechanisms. We train and encourage farmers practicing agriculture on mountain slops to make tranches in their small farms especially coffee to reduce the loss of water and soil that reduces soil fertility hence reducing crop production. We also improve farmer’s literacy levels to impart a culture of record keeping and interpretation.

Jack fruit seedlings for envir conservation

Link with us on Email: comhopefoundation@gmail.com